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Huila tastes like the sweetness of Panela.

Isnos, San Agustín, and Pitalito are the most competitive in the production of sugarcane for panela.


Sugarcane for panela is one of Colombia's most distinctive crops. This agro-industry is the second most significant at the national level, generating 3.3 billion pesos per year, according to data provided by Agronegocios (2024). According to the report for the second half of 2023, presented by the Rural Agricultural Planning Unit, the southern region of Huila is the most competitive in panela production. Isnos is the largest producer, with 4,200 hectares of cultivated land, followed by San Agustín with 3,213 hectares, and Pitalito with 770 hectares, according to the most recent census in 2020.

To date, the National Federation of Panela Producers highlights that Colombia is the second-largest producer of panela in the world, with an annual production of 1.2 million tons, following India, which contributes around 7.5 million tons of panela per year.

In the village of La Pradera, in the municipality of San Agustín, you will find the El Pomo farm and the Jojoa family’s sugar mill. Thanks to artisanal panela sugarcane production, this family maintains an economy where Mr. Juan Gabriel Jojoa Anacona and his family work the land to fill the sweet baskets of millions of Colombian families. Their product also crosses borders, sweetening palates in North America and Europe.

Hundreds of foreign tourists visit the sugar mills in the region for the first time, where the sugarcane is processed into a flavorful block.


During their journey through Colombia, travelers taste panela in various preparations, such as panela lemonade with lime and mint for a sunny day.

We invite you to discover the department of Huila, where you will fall in love with the beautiful mountains of the Andean region, the majestic Magdalena River, the impressive waterfalls, and the vast sugarcane fields.





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